two-channel video with sound, 8 minute and 45 second cycle
NOWHERE AND EVERYWHERE is a two-channel moving picture work. The project is a portrait of La Cienega de Santa Clara, an oasis in the Colorado River Delta of Sonora, Mexico. Eighty years of damming and diverting the Colorado River has caused the Delta to become a vast stretch of cracked, dried-out mudflats. La Cienega de Santa Clara is an intact semi-tropical marsh in the Delta. It’s a reminder of the sunbaked Delta’s former glory and a magnet for the region's endangered wildlife.
The work’s title NOWHERE AND EVERYWHERE is the way Aldo Leopold’s described the Colorado River Delta in his 1948 collection of essays, “A Sand County Almanac”. This moving picture project flips the horizontal landscape of La Cienega to a vertical position. Two vertical video screens mirror and double the moving image. The work provides an opportunity to look deeply into this significant oasis and attempts to provoke the imagination to muse on the wonder of land transformation and reclamation.
NOWHERE AND EVERYWHERE was produced with support from the Fulbright International Scholars Program.
Special thanks to Dr. Osvel Hinojosa Huerta, Director of Water and Wetlands, Pronatura Noroeste, San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico.
Digital prints
40" x 36"