Site-specific video installation
GEYSER LAND is a site-specific video installation presented in Montana during August 2003. The audience boarded a train and traveled twenty-five miles through the Bozeman pass. Out of the train’s windows the spectators witnessed video projections on the rural landscapes and industrial sites. Photographs were re-staged on the spot where they were originally taken to examine the constructed history. The conceptual strategy used the train to establish the spectator’s point of view, to locate the spectator in a tourist position and to point to the railroad as a tool of colonialism. The project looked at how capitalism drove the early industrial period and influenced the form and discourse of early mechanical representational systems such as photography and film.
GEYSER LAND was produced by The Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT with support from Arts Presenters funded by Wallace-Readers Digest funds and the Doris Duke Charitable Trust Foundation, the Paul Allen Foundation, Altria Foundation, National Performance Network, residency grant, Surdna Foundation, Arts Partners, Multi Arts Project Grant, LEF Foundation, Electronic Arts Grant, The Experimental Television Center, Owega, NY, and School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Faculty Enrichment Grant.